A Glimpse of Eternity
By Ian McCormack
"A Glimpse of Eternity" is the incredible true story of one man's encounter with death and the realms beyond it.

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Hell is Real, I went there!
 By Jennifer Perez

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7 Columbian youths  were taken by Jesus Christ
and shown Heaven and Hell.

Revelation of Hell
Revelation of Heaven
23 Minutes in Hell
By Bill Wiese

An incredible Testimony of Bill Wiese and his 23 minute trip to Hell.

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I was dead in 4 hours
By Theo Nez

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Warning - False books

Beloved, believe not every spirit, but try the spirits whether they are of God: because many false prophets are gone out into the world. (1 John 4:1)

I was dead in 23 Hours
Angelica Zambrano

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A Muslim Cries Out to Jesus
Kamal Saleem

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Testimony of Heaven
 'Inside the Holy City'
 Rev. Oden Hetrick
Miss Lois Hetrick
Host: Charlie Messenger
The Sister Charlotte Keckler's Story
The Horrors Deep Within the Church of Rome

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Angelica Zambrano
Her second and third visit
 to Heaven and Hell
Jesus - Get Me Out Of This Hell!
By Linda Laine

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Coming Glory and Deceiving Spirits
Prophecy by Stanley Frodshams in New York 1965
Hearken diligently concerning these things, for in the last days shall come seducing spirits.
 (1 Timothy 4: 1)
3rd Visit Video
English text and voice-over
Revival Meetings in Europe
Pastor Jens Garnfeldt will continue to preach in Europe.
Contact Pastor Jens Garnfeldt, or check his calender for meetings,
or any other information on his website.
Endtime Vision
By Tommy Hicks
 Tommy Hicks received a 'prophetic vision' of "The Body of Christ and the End-time Ministry". My message begins, July 25th 1961, about 2.30 in the morning, at Winnipeg, Canada.
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        New Life
   Bible - books
God saved me, he delivered me out of the convent and out of bondage to darkness, the Lord laid a burden upon my heart to give this testimony that others might know what plight the convents are.
There are two different transcriptions and from different meetings. Download PDF 2
there you can also read about what happened after she returned to USA. Tortur and punishment. Don't be silent, please,  let others know about this.
An incredible Testimony of Bill Wiese and his 23 minute trip to Hell. Bill was placed in Hell, not as a casual observer, but as someone who was not saved. He recounts all the horrid details with such precision that it captivates the listener from start to finish.

I like to share with you my testimony, about how God did a wonderful miracles thing for me and my family; He brought His precious salvation into our home.
I can delight at 1995, I was a wild person. I use to drink and take drugs, I didn't care about nothing. One day I overdosed on speed and my heart stopped. I died for four hours.

I was going from one place to another, I had a car wreck. The car wreck was so severe; I ejected out of my car, landed on my neck and broke my neck in two places...

- I heard a voice. The voice knew me by name. It said, 'Kamal! Kamal! Kamal! Why don't you call on the Father of Abraham and Isaac and Jacob?'
"A Glimpse of Eternity" is the incredible true story of one man's encounter with death and the realms beyond it. Stung by five box jellyfish while diving off the coast of Mauritius, Ian McCormack later died in hospital and was dead for 15-20 minutes. During this time he experienced both hell and heaven and came back to tell the story!
The testimony of a 15 year old girl who was raised in a Christian home.  She later backslid in her walk, found herself overdosing on drugs, dyeing, and being sent to Hell.

At age 15 I made a decision to give my life and will to Satan. From that moment, my life made a downward spiral. Satan fed my ego and gave me strength, all the while, he was sucking the life out of me.
Writing originates from Precious Testimonies Evangelist Ministries
A young Ecuadorian girl named Angelica was shown the Kingdoms of Heaven and Hell.  She witnessed Jesus weeping as He overlooked multitudes of souls lost forever, a world that has rejected Him. She witnessed many of our esteemed cultural icons suffering in the Pit; singers, entertainers, and even a pope.